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Open Gym Schedule for May:

Open Gym: May: 1,3,8,9,10 (3:30-5:15)

Summer Team tryouts:  May 15,16,17 


Update April 6th:


As a reminder, the open gym/skill development registration form (attached) and payment needs to be turned in to Coach Knafelc.  Be sure to visit our website for more information including the open gym schedule:


Open Gym Dates/Times for April:

April 10, 11, 12:  2:45-4:30 

April 17, 18, 19, 24, 26:  3:30 - 5:15


Note From Coach Knafelc:


Players and Parents,


We finished our 1st 2 Open Gym workouts of the spring yesterday and they went GREAT. The energy, work ethic, “coachability", competitiveness and overall skill was impressive and encouraging.  Many of the attendees either came in after their spring sport practices or before they had to leave for another club ( basketball/soccer ) practice. That is the commitment and sacrifice that makes players and TEAMs Champions!!  That doesn’t merely close the gap, we have discussed, it eliminates it and puts us in that Elite/Top Tier program category. We have averaged 17 players at the 1st 2 workouts! For those that have attended KEEP IT UP! Consistent effort = improvement!


For those that have not yet made your way in to a workout I hope you will, soon!

We have 3 OG workouts coming up this week 4/10-11-12. 


Here is to GAP elimination!!!


Have a great weekend!


In anticipation of questions from parents, here are some of the most frequently asked questions with the corresponding answers:


1.  My daughter is in a spring sport at Arapahoe High School.  Should she try to attend the Warrior Basketball Academy workout sessions?  No – if your daughter is in a spring sport at Arapahoe she should be focused on that spring sport and she should not be participating in basketball workouts.  Exceptions to this would require the approval of her spring sport coach and I do not expect anyone to ask for that approval.

2.  My daughter is playing on a club basketball team during the spring.  She can attend some of the Warrior Basketball Academy workouts but not all of them.  Is that okay?  Yes, that is fine.  She should discuss her situation with me and then attend the academy workouts as often possible.

3.  Is attendance at these spring workouts required for anyone who wants to try out for a summer team?  Attendance at these workouts is optional and is not required in order for a player to participate in the spring camp (which serves as the tryouts for the summer teams).  However, if your daughter wants to play basketball at Arapahoe and she isn’t doing anything else this spring, why wouldn’t she come to these workouts?

4.  Is the schedule for summer leagues, tournaments, and camps finished yet?  No not quite yet, Once we decide on the Camps we want to attend we will send emails and Post the schedule on the website. I will be handing out “Commitment” sheets with the summer events/costs on them the 1st week of Open gym workouts, so that players and parents can set their May/June schedules. 


Open Gym Dates April: 3,5,10,11,12,17,19,24,26


Open Gym Dates May: 1,3,8,9,10

Summer Team tryouts:  May 15,16,17

Practices by team May 22,23


 We are looking forward to a productive spring and summer.  This is the time for the players to focus on improving their game! 


Jerry Knafelc

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Thank you to all of our sponsors!

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